
Name:Mike Hough
Born:24th June 1991
Siblings:Fay, Sarah, Claire & Vicky
Job Description:Singer/Songwriter, Entertainer
Ambition:To inspire people throughout my journey and help teach people to live life the way they wanna live - follow your dreams!
How it all began:Singing into my toy screwdriver realising i never wanted to put it down!
Future Plans:To live life to the full and enjoy waking up everyday! Anything else is just a bonus
Sound:Coldplay, Chris Brown, Stevie Wonder and Robin Thicke mixed in a bowl with a Mike Hough twist
Favourite Artists:Beyonce, Adele, Stevie Wonder & Tank
Weaknesses:Geography, Knowledge & Spiders
Inspirations:My mum! The woman who taught me how to live life comfortable in my skin and fight any obstacles thrown at me!
Motto in life:"If the skies the limit then why are there footprints on the moon" nothing is impossible!